Clinical medicine course turned out to be a great success

Inter HECS > News > Clinical medicine course turned out to be a great success

Clinical medicine course at Plovdiv Medical University

Inter HECS together with UK-based doctors has launched a new suite of Medical courses in English, designed to prepare international med students in Bulgaria for practice in the United Kingdom. This new project is part of a huge initiative that will also help medical graduates apply for an internship in the UK, do a specialization there and register with the General Medical Council in order to become a specialist.

The second course from the project was named “The A, B, C of Clinical Medicine” and was held at the Medical University of Plovdiv on 27th and 28th of February 2016.

More than 100 students attended the seminar and were divided into three groups in order to practice their knowledge of clinical medicine. The participants had the chance to improve their skills to communicate effectively with patients, covering areas such as first contact, checking, clarifying and explaining processes. The students even played doctors in evidence-based case scenarios.

The free course was led by lecturers who work in Great Britain – Dr. Margarita Kitova-John and her husband, Dr. Oommen John. They both studied Medicine in Bulgaria and today are members of the Royal College of General Practitioners. They are also among the most respected young medics on the Isle of Wight.

All courses will help candidates to develop their ability to apply knowledge to the care of patients – the center of medicine.

Inter HECS strongly believes in the power of knowledge and that one should never stop growing better. We will keep organizing practical courses, so our students will have the advantage of knowing more when graduate and be more than excellently prepared for what is ahead of them as professionals in the medical field.

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