Tips: How to manage exam stress?

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Tips: How to manage exam stress?

Students in Bulgaria are currently in an exam session, so we would like to give few tips to everyone who is dealing with exam stress! To start with, the symptoms for exam stress could vary – you could suffer from headache, tiredness, anxiety, dizziness, etc., and it is important to recognize exam stress in order to know how to deal with it. However, there are few eays you can beat this problem so that you are able to focus more and achieve great results in your exams!

1. Eat regularly and healthy 

Sometimes when people are stressed, they either forget to eat regularly or they tend to eat unhealthy (e.g. some snacks). Your brain definitely needs some strenght to memorize everything for the exam, so make sure you treat it right – with fresh fruits, vegetables and also pently of water! It will definitely make a difference and you will feel much better!

2. Sleep well

We all know that time is never enough to learn everything for the exams, but don’t forget to sleep well. You need at least 8 hours sleep per day in order to make sure that your brain has taken a decent break and is ready to „assist“ you the next day with the exam preparation. If you don’t sleep enough, you actually risk mind blanks during an exam which will eventually cause even more stress…

3. Give yourself a break

We can pretty much imagine that the daily routine of a student in an exam session is: study, study, study.

Let’s stop right here, though. As mentioned several times, your brain definitely needs a break and if you don’t give it one, you are very likely to experience burning out. Take a break between study sessions and do something you enjoy (watch TV series, eat some sweets, etc.). This way you will feel better when you start the next study session and since you will be looking forward to the next break, your brain will also be more focused and motivated to study more.

4. Do not compare yourself with other students

Don’t panic simply because another student has spent more time learning a certain topic. Studying is really individual so some people need more or less time to memorize study materials. Hence, if other people study more than you or someone has written more at an exam, you don’t need to jump to conclusions  – you never know how much they know and if what they wrote is actually correct. Worst case scenario, if you failed an exam and another student didn’t – don’t worry. Everyone has their weak moments and subjects they find hard. The university also offer retakes – so next time you will know where your weaknesses are and how to prepare better!

5. Do sports

Thirty minutes jogging per day (or some other type of sports) won’t take much of your time for preparation but it will definitely help you release some stess. This will also help you distract your mind from the exams so that later you feel refreshed and more focused to study. 

6. Stop stressing out over exam mistakes

You are not sure whether the correct answer you marked on the answer sheet was right? Well, guess what – you can’t go back in time and change it. You have two options:

– simply wait for the exam results and in the meantime do the things you enjoy (you deserve it after the stressful exam sessions!)

– move on and focus on preparing for the next exam – don’t let past tests influence your upcoming ones!

7. Avoid stressed people

We all have that one friend who is super stressed about exams. It might be a rude thing to say, but limit your meetings with this person during the exam session. You don’t need additional and unnecessary stress during exams and thinking positive is also good for your health!

8. Create a study schedule

Create a plan for the day – what you need to study and tick off the tasks you have completed (it will definitely make you feel good!). Of course, be flexible and don’t be too hard on yourself. This plan is simply a way to improve your time management and to give you a rough idea of what you need to do each day before the exam date.

9. Try alternative revision techniques

If you try to learn in a different way from what you are used to (e.g. in the park or with mind maps), your brain will feel refreshed and more focused. Of course, if you have already found a way that helps you memorize and learn things quickly – you can stick to it!

10. Believe in yourself

You shouldn’t feel down because you have exams – every student has, and we guarantee you that everyone has their weaknesses and strenghts. So make sure you prepare well for each exam and believe in yourself – all efforts pay off!

PS: One thing you can also do is speak with your family or friends (who are not in an exam session now) – they will definitely support and motivate you!

Also, don’t forget to read our tips for better exam performance!

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