Inter HECS Education fairs in Greece, Austria and in the UK

Inter HECS > News > Inter HECS Education fairs in Greece, Austria and in the UK

Learn more about the Bulgarian higher education

Hey you… the student of tomorrow,

Inter HECS is proud to announce the most exciting education open day – “Study in Bulgaria 2015”. Visit our Open Days in Greece, Austria and in the United Kingdom and learn about all of the educational opportunities in Bulgaria. Studying in Bulgaria means to study in the European Union, taking advantage of excellent quality of education and life and recognition of your diploma worldwide. Bulgarian higher education institutions offer high academic standards, a great variety of international degree programs and advanced research facilities. It is no coincidence that a lot of students from all over the world are attracted by the education in Bulgaria – more than 50 countries from Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia are currently enrolled in Bulgarian universities.

All candidates, who wish to study medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary or any other specialty in Bulgaria are more than welcome to come to our events. Educational experts will inform visitors about university entry requirements, tuition fees at Bulgarian universities and student life in the country.

1. Vienna, Austria

Place: Polgargymnasium, Polgarstraße 24, 1220 Wien

Date: 24.01.2015

Time: 10:00 – 15:00

The Youth Education & Travel Fairs are among the largest Austrian specialty fairs on Youth Travel & education abroad. Educational information is provided in the cities of Vienna, Salzburg, Linz and Graz.

No entrance fee for visitors!

2. London, United Kingdom

Place: Bulgarian Cultural Institute – London (next to the Bulgarian Embassy)

188 Queen’s Gate, South Kensington, London, SW7 5HL

Date: 06.02.2015 – 07.02.2015

Time: 10:00 – 18:00

On 6th and 7th of February 2015 in the city of London Inter HECS in cooperation with the Bulgarian Cultural Institute – London will organize a presentation of Sofia Medical University and Plovdiv Medical University. We have the pleasure to invite representatives of colleges and high schools, companies, students as well as future applicants and their parents.

Representatives of the Bulgarian universities will give answers to all questions in relation to the education in Bulgaria.

No entrance fee for visitors!


3. Athens, Greece

Place: Technopolis – Athe Technopolis City of Athens

100, Pireos str. 118 54 Gazi – Athens

Date: 07.03.2015 – 08.03.2015 (Saturday and Sunday)

Time: 12:00 – 20:00

Inter HECS is participating in the 17th International Education Fair “EDUCATION & CAREER” – the premier education and employment exhibition in Greece.

“EDUCATION & CAREER” fair is the biggest and only complete exhibition on education and career in Greece and one of the key fairs in Europe. The purpose of the exhibition is to provide in a direct and effective way a comprehensive overview of different educational programmes.

No entrance fee for visitors!

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