End of the orientation week for first-year students in Plovdiv

Inter HECS > News > End of the orientation week for first-year students in Plovdiv

End of the orientation week for first-year students in Plovdiv

We truly enjoyed meeting and welcoming our first-year students at Plovdiv Medical University over the past seven days! Firstly, we organized a special appointment for registering our students at the University so that the whole process goes smoothly – the day started with a Welcome Day where current students explained to all first-year students more about the city of Plovdiv and the University as well as showed them around the University campus. In the following days a fun get-together for all students as well as a city tour presented great networking opportunities so that future colleagues get to know each other before the start of the academic year! Lastly, the team of Inter HECS made sure that all students have settled down with a SIM card, WiFi, TV and a bank account! In the following months, we will also help them apply for a residence permit!

Of course, we are here to help our students throughout the next six years as well – the team of Inter HECS is here to support our students every day!

PS: You can find pictures from our get-together on our Facebook page!

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