10 useful and free apps for students

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Recommended apps for students

Besides Instagram and Facebook, you should definitely download these applications asap!

Application #1: Freedom – Reduce Distractions or AppBlock

The application allows you to block websites that distract you (like Facebook, for instance). This is very useful especially when you have to focus on an upcoming exam session! We have all been there.

Application #2: Flipboard

Flipboard allows you to choose topics that you are interested in and shows you all recent articles (from well-known news websites like The New York Times) regarding the respective topic.

Application #3: Mathe Alarm Clock

Hitting the snooze button every morning? Next time, if you want to do this, Maths Alarm Clock will make you solve a math problem.

Application #4: Babylon

… is an application that will be your personal translator for nearly 70 languages! Perfect for studying abroad!

Application #5: TED

If you want to have your daily dose of motivation or education, watch some TED videos!

Application #6: GoConqr

With GoConqr you can create mind maps, quizzes or online notes!

Application #7: To Do List

The name says it all! We all need sometimes to set priorities and what there is to be done during the day!

Application #8: RefMe

The application is perfect for those who have to write academic papers. As referencing is quite important, RefMe scans a book’s barcode and puts together the citation and bibliography (in any format, be it APA, Chicago, etc.). Useful, right?

Application #9: Transport applications (moovit, Sofbus24, TaxiMe, Yellow Taxi 91119, Taxistars)

If you study abroad or live in Bulgaria, download these applications – they are in English and help you overcome the language barrier when ordering a taxi or using the public transportation in Sofia.

Application #10: Goodbudget

… help you keep track of your monthly budget and what you spent money for.

Keep in mind that there are in-app purchases, so be careful when downloading features.

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