Travel around Bulgaria and collect stamps

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Travel around Bulgaria and collect stamps

Explore Bulgaria and collect stamps - initiative

Do you love travelling? Did you know that you can also get a booklet to collect stamps and postage stamps from the top 100 sightseeing places in Bulgaria? The project is called “100 Tourist Sites of Bulgaria”! At almost each sightseeing place (included in the list of the 100 sites) you can purchase the booklet (it costs 2 lv.) and a stamp – it is included in the admission fee of the sightseeing place you are at. In addition, you can also get a postage stamp for a small price – a great idea for people who absolutely love collecting things. There is a reward too – after you collect 25 stamps, you will get a bronze badge; after you collect 50 stamps, you receive a silver badge and after collecting 100 stamps – a gold one. Everyone who has a badge participates in a lottery to win a car, trips and so on!

PS: You can find the full list of all 100 tourist sites here.

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