Easter celebration in Bulgaria

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Easter celebration in Bulgaria

Happy Easter from the Inter HECS’ family!

We wish everyone celebrating health, happiness and may you are always surrounded by the people you love!

We are glad to have experienced yet another year of lovely and fun traditions at Easter! Bulgarians usually dye eggs on Thursday or Saturday before Easter – all people have different ways of dying eggs but the result is always very beautiful! The only “rule” is that the first egg should be red. We also prepare (or simply buy) Easter sweet bread called kozunak.

At midnight before Sunday (12 AM) people go to the church to get the Holy Fire from Jerusalem. Afterwards, they greet each other with “Hristos Voskrese!” (the other person should reply “Voistina Voskrese”).

On Sunday we have a very unique and fun tradition – egg fight! This means that one person holds their Easter egg while another person taps their egg against it (and then they take turns). The person who has the last unbroken egg is believed to have a year full of luck!

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