Recognition of Bulgarian diplomas after Brexit

Inter HECS > News > Recognition of Bulgarian diplomas after Brexit

Recognition of Bulgarian diplomas after Brexit

Wondering whether the University diploma you obtained in Bulgaria will be recognized in the United Kingdom after Brexit? 

Inter HECS – Study in Bulgaria is glad to announce that if you study in Bulgaria you will be able to work in the United Kingdom or in any other country in Europe even after Brexit. Bulgaria is in the European Union but most importantly it is part of the the European Economic Area (EEA). This structure is above the EU so University diplomas issued in countries that are members of the European Economic Area (and United Kingdom has no intention of leaving the EEA) will be recognized even if the country is not part of the European Unition (like UK after Brexit). Hence, if you already consider studying in Bulgaria, contact us via [email protected] – we will assist you with university admission in Bulgaria and help you obtain an internationally recognized diploma!

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