Online preparatory course for future applicants at Bulgarian university

Inter HECS > News > Online preparatory course for future applicants at Bulgarian university

Chemistry and biology course for applicants at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Inter HECS invites you to participate in our new online chemistry and biology preparatory course in English, starting this March. The course is designed for applicants wishing to start their studies at the Medical Faculty of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The course is created according to the requirements of Sofia University for studying Medicine in English. Its duration is 4 months and a half (one Biology and one Chemistry class per week).

Thus, you will have the opportunity to gain gradual and consistent knowledge of the subjects and subsequent control over the learning process. Our teachers will not only prepare you for the entrance exam, but will also show you their professionalism and moral support for anything you may need throughout the course.

For registration and more information, please contact our team!

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