Inter HECS on a visit at prestigious high schools in Turkey

Inter HECS > News > Inter HECS on a visit at prestigious high schools in Turkey

Inter HECS on a visit at prestigious high schools in Turkey

The CEO of Inter HECS – Study in Bulgaria visited four prestigious high schools in Turkey in order to introduce applicants from Turkey to the Bulgarian higher education and to the best Bulgarian universities. We look forward to welcoming many Turkish students for the academic year 2017/2018! 

80.Yıl Nuh Çimento Anadolu Lisesi

Tuzla Anadolu Lisesi

Barbaros Hayrettin Paşa Lisesi

Barbaros Hayrettin Pasa Lisesi

80.Yıl Nuh Çimento Anadolu Lisesi

80.Yil Nuh Cimento Anadolu Lisesi

50. Yıl Tahran Anadolu Lisesi

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