Apply for university admission in 2020! Last places available!

Inter HECS > News > Apply for university admission in 2020! Last places available!

University deadlines are coming up, but we can still help you apply for admission in 2020!

If you wish to study abroad in 2020, the team of Inter HECS is here to help you! We help people apply for university admission and move abroad! Yes, we will help you collect and prepare your application documents according to the universities’ requirements and we will submit them to the university! Furthermore, we provide an excellent online platform to help you pass the entrance exam! Last but not least, we also make sure you have everything organized in the country of your interest (incl. an apartment, a bank account, SIM card, etc.). Sounds good to you but you need more information? We provide a free consultation! Contact our team at [email protected] and let us know which university and study program you are interested in!

Keep in mind that we have limited places available, so hurry up!

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