Entry requirements of Bulgarian Universities in 2018

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Entry requirements of Bulgarian Universities in 2018

You want to study MedicineDentistryVeterinary Medicine or Pharmacy in English? Bulgarian Universities offer high quality education that will allow you to graduate with a Master’s degree and gain experience thanks to the practice-oriented seminars and lectures! In the following we will present the most up-to-date information regarding entry requirements of the best medical Bulgarian Universities in 2018.

Applicants must bear in mind that:

  • Sofia Medical University, located in the capital of Bulgaria, offers Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy in English. The tuition fees are 8000 EUR per year for Medicine and Dentistry; 6000 EUR per year for Pharmacy in English;
  • Plovdiv Medical University, located in the second biggest city in Bulgaria, offers Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy in English. The tuition fees are 8000 EUR per year for Medicine and Dentistry; 6000 EUR per year for Pharmacy in English;
  • Varna Medical University in Varna offers Medicine and Dentistry in English. The tuition fees are 8000 EUR per year;
  • Trakia University in Stara Zagora offers Medicine (7000 EUR/year) and Veterinary Medicine (4000 EUR/year) in English;
  • University of Forestry, located in the capital of Bulgaria, offers Veterinary Medicine in English in exchange for 4500 EUR tuition fees per year;
  • Pleven Medical University in Pleven offers Medicine in English (7000 EUR/year), but the start of the academic year is later in comparison to other Bulgarian Universities (in February);
  • Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, located in the city centre of the Bulgarian capital, offers Medicine in English. The tuition fees are 7700 EUR per year;

The main entry requirement for entry in medical study programs in Bulgaria is to have Biology and Chemistry grades in the high school diploma. In addition, all candidates must pass an entry exam in Biology and Chemistry (sometimes English as well). Keep in mind that some Universities allow applicants to sit the entry exam only once. The exam fee is not included in the tuition fees and is non-refundable. 

If you wonder whether you are eligible to apply and study in Bulgaria, just send a message to [email protected] with more information about your educational background and our team members will get back to you!

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