Book donation in Bulgaria

Inter HECS > News > Book donation in Bulgaria

Inter HECS is starting a new Corporate Social Responsibility programme

On the 20th of April 2016, Inter HECS had the honor of meeting representatives of the “Ivan Vazov” community center in the village of Dolno Sahrane, Bulgaria. It is located near the Balkan Mountains and it is famous for the annual children’s folklore festival “Zagorche” which will be held on the 28th of May this year. The occasion for this meeting was our donation of 45 books (328 lv.), which included bestsellers like “Lord of the rings” as well as classics like “Bulgarian chronicles” by Stefan Tsanev.

We were glad to see that Mrs. Elsa Dimova, a representative of the community center, and her colleagues do their best to foster the education of youngsters as well as to provide elderly with the opportunity to read classic literature and bestsellers! 

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