Study Pharmacy in Europe

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Study Pharmacy in Europe

Study Pharmacy in Europe

If your dream is to study Pharmacy in Europe, you are at the right place! Below, you will find what the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad in Europe are as well as a list with some of the best universities in Europe which offer Pharmacy in English for foreign citizens. They all offer affordable tuition fees and you graduate with an internationally recognized diploma. Study Pharmacy in Europe – why not?

Why do people study Pharmacy in Europe?

People who wish to study Pharmacy in Europe are often attracted by European pharmacy schools that have low tuition fees as well as offer a Master’s degree and a diploma valid all over the world. In addition, studying abroad in Europe provides students with practical knowledge and international friendships – things that enrich the experience of each pharmacy student. In addition, there are further advantages that studying Pharmacy abroad has: 

Study, travel and work abroad in Europe

People who study Pharmacy in Europe (and who study abroad in general) have much more travel opportunities in comparison to people who choose to study in their home country. You can visit many sightseeing places, visit neighbouring countries as well as catch a flight to your best friend’s home country when you both have some time off. Broadening your horizons and exploring another culture are a must when you study abroad. Meeting people from all around the world will let you go out much more often with students from countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Remember to socialize – the other students at the University are there to have fun too! Furthermore, pharmacy schools in Europe offer numerous exchange programmes, e.g. Erasmus plus, which will allow you to study in another country where the tuition fees are covered by your home university and where your travel opportunities even multiply.

Last but not least, many employers look for international work experience. While you study Pharmacy in Europe, you have a chance to work part-time. There are plenty of hospitals in and around the campus of most pharmacy schools that look for students in the medical field. There, you will have a chance to earn some money and gain practical knowledge. This way, you will finance your studies in Europe and enhance your CV by including a list of international internships and jobs. Pharmacy students who have worked during their studies in Europe have a higher chance of finding a job after they graduate. 

Lower entry requirements and easier admission 

Pharmacy schools in Europe differ very much in their entry requirements and tuition fees. Hence, if you want to study Pharmacy in Europe, you will have a plenty of opportunities and universities to choose from. You can check out different countries, what they offer, how much the living expenses are and everything else that is important for you as a future pharmacy student. Many pharmacy schools have lower entry requirements in order to attract people from different countries. Their main goal is to make the university atmosphere multicultural and to promote their school among future applicants who are interested in studying abroad in Europe. 

Lower entry requirement does not always equal easier admission. However, some pharmacy schools in Europe offer enough places for people who want to study Pharmacy. This way, they collect tuition fees and invest in the university campus. Hence, you don’t have to worry about your admission in a pharmacy school in Europe.

Low living costs in Europe – mission possible? 

You don’t have to put up with high tuition fees of some pharmacy schools in Europe! If you study Pharmacy abroad, you can choose the university that has affordable tuition fees. Many countries in Europe, especially in Eastern Europe, set high academic standards in terms of study programmes in English and are famous for the low living expenses. This way, you don’t have to apply for a student loan in order to become a student or if you simply wish to study abroad.

Study Pharmacy in Europe – Disadvantages

To study Pharmacy in Europe is considered a great opportunity. However, there are certain disadvantages you must bear in mind and be prepared for before applying for admission in a pharmacy school in Europe. 

Culture shock in Europe

There are many countries in Europe and they are not really far away from each other (comparing with distances in America, for instance). However, people in each country in Europe have a specific mentality and customs you must learn about if you plan to move abroad. Also, most European countries have a different local language so you cannot really study in Europe and expect to stick only to your English skills. If you study Pharmacy in Europe, be prepared to see a lot of things you are not used to – certain type of cuisine, time management… everything. 

If you still want to take advantage of the experience that studying abroad gives you – be open-minded! Make friends with local people and explore the country! Almost each country in Europe has lakes, beaches or a place that you will absolutely love! Do not stay at home all the time and expect wonders to happen! Instead, try to enjoy your university years to the fullest. If you have a weekend off – take a bus ride, take a walk in the city – you never know what you will end up experiencing or who you will meet!

Daily struggles of a student in Europe

If you wish to study Pharmacy abroad, you have to be prepared to live alone. Of course, most student dormitories in Europe offer an apartment for two people and you can always rent a place and look for a roommate. However, this will not spare most of your daily struggles. This means that learning to cook, do laundry or manage your time is something you should start as soon as possible! Ask your parents for tips and tricks to survive in the kitchen, ask your friends at school about their time management skills and, of course, google a bit. No one expects you to be perfect in everything – this is why studying abroad is a chance to improve your skills (language, cooking, time management, etc.).

Of course, studying abroad can also make you feel lonely. If you live in a one bedroom apartment and your average day consists of having lectures and going straight back home, you might eventually get depressed by the immense workload and the lack of out-of-class activities. In order to overcome homesickness and depression, we recommend finding a hobby and going out as much as possible. If you are shy or an introvert person, use some applications that will help you find friends in your area or try to find some student clubs and societies with common interests!

Last but not least, learn how to deal with stress. If you study Pharmacy abroad, it will be quite difficult in the beginning – trying to find your lecture room in the university campus, trying to learn all study material, getting used to the teaching methods of different professors. Don’t worry – we have all been there! Make sure to talk with Pharmacy students in second and third-year – they will share some practices for managing deadlines at the university. 

Entry requirements if you want to study Pharmacy in Europe

Pharmacy schools in Europe have different entry requirements – this is why we have chosen two of the best medical universities in Europe which have a higher acceptance rate and low entry requirements. Usually, most pharmacy schools require that you have a grade in Biology and Chemistry in high school. It won’t be surprising if you also have to sit an admission test in both subjects and even in English, especially if you don’t have a certificate that proves your English skills (IELTS, TOEFL, CAE). Of course, advanced language skills are necessary if you study Pharmacy in Europe. All of your lectures will be in English so you will have hard time if you can’t speak the language.

Some of the best pharmacy schools in Europe at one place 

If your desire is to study Pharmacy in Europe but you have no idea which university offers Pharmacy in English and has low tuition fees, we recommend Sofia Medical University and Plovdiv Medical University – two of the best medical universities in Europe. 

Study Pharmacy in Europe at Sofia Medical University

Sofia Medical University is one of the oldest higher education institutions in Europe and is a medical university you must definitely consider when applying for a study program in Europe. Sofia Medical University offers Pharmacy in English so the atmosphere at the university is quite international. In addition, the university is based in a European capital and offers many out-of-class activities which will make your stay in Europe memorable. People who study Pharmacy at Sofia Medical University graduate with a Master’s degree within five years and pay only 6000 Euro per academic year. In addition, the low living expenses in the country are a reason why most people choose Sofia Medical University. Furthermore, there are over 50 places for first-year pharmacy students.

This means that admission in Sofia Medical University is not very hard – you only have to sit an entrance test in Biology, Chemistry and English. In 2016 the admission tests for Sofia Medical University were held in London and in Thessaloniki. The academic year starts in October. 

Study Pharmacy in Europe at Plovdiv Medical University

Plovdiv Medical University is located in Eastern Europe and offers three study programs in English. Of course, Pharmacy is one of them. The tuition fees for the Master’s program Pharmacy in English are 3000 Euro per semester. Hence, people who do not wish to spend a fortune on their studies abroad often apply to Plovdiv Medical University and enjoy the low tuition fees and entry requirements as well as the low living expenses in the country. People who want to study Pharmacy at Plovdiv Medical University must sit a test in Biology and Chemistry.

The diploma is valid all around Europe, so if you want to work in Greece or in the United Kingdom, for instance, the Master’s degree at Plovdiv Medical University will guarantee your great start in life after you graduate and will enrich your university experience with multiple career opportunities. There is a great amount of career fairs that take place at the university campus too! Last but not least, some of the university buildings are brand new and students have access to the most modern technologies.

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