Study Veterinary Medicine in Europe

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Study Veterinary Medicine in Europe

Study Veterinary Medicine in Europe

If you want to make sure that each owner of a pet is happy and you love spending time with animals, we have some news for you – you should study Veterinary Medicine in Europe!

If your dream is to study Veterinary Medicine in English abroad, read the following information – we will tell you more about the best Veterinary Medicine Universities in Europe, their entry requirements, tuition fees as well as information about why you should and why you should not study Veterinary Medicine in Europe. 

Why do people study Veterinary Medicine in Europe?

To study abroad in Europe does not only mean to meet people from all over the world. There are numerous reasons that make people decide to study Veterinary Medicine in English abroad. In the following, we will list only a couple of them.

International experience is a must

Is there an employer who is not looking for a candidate with a lot of international work experience? Probably not. If you decide to study Veterinary Medicine in Europe, you will gather practical knowledge in an international field – you will most probably learn a new language, encounter situations that people who study at home won’t and learn more about Veterinary Medicine from another perspective. This will help you become more independent and react better to situations you are not familiar with. Indeed, if you study abroad in Europe, you will be much more open-minded and will be less likely to experience a culture shock or similar negative surprises in your career. 

Of course, we should also mention the international diploma you will get. People who study Veterinary Medicine in Europe and especially in a country that is a member state of the European Union receive an internationally recognized diploma. This helps them find a job in any country they are interested in as well as boosts their CV. Hence, we recommend you spend at least one semester abroad during your studies or spend your entire Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Europe. 

Admission into the best veterinary schools in Europe – easy and cheap

There are many Veterinary Medicine universities in Europe. This means that you don’t have to struggle if you want to study Veterinary Medicine but it is really hard to get a place at the veterinary school in your home country. Choose among the best veterinary schools in Europe (two of them are listed below) – take into account their entry requirements and tuition fees. As some Veterinary Medicine Universities in Europe are looking for international students, you will probably be a desired applicant – take advantage of that!

Some veterinary schools in Europe have quite cheap tuition fees (especially in Eastern Europe). In addition, if the tuition fees of a Veterinary Medicine study program are cheap, it is common that the living expenses in the respective country are also low. So why study in your home country if you can study Veterinary Medicine in Europe and even spare some extra money for travelling? 

Study and travel in Europe

So let’s talk about the fun part. People who study Veterinary Medicine in Europe are much more likely to travel during their studies – you will meet people from different countries that might invite you to visit their home town or country, there are many students organizations who plan trips for international students. In addition, you will be much more curious to explore your surroundings. This won’t happen if you stick to your home town, will it?

Also, many veterinary schools in Europe are part of the Erasmus plus programme. Hence, students in Veterinary Medicine in Europe have a chance to visit a country, enhance their CV and gather even more international study (and work) experience. 

Are there any disadvantages of studying Veterinary Medicine abroad?

People who study Veterinary Medicine in Europe might experience several difficulties. Here are three of them:

I don’t speak the language

Well, you live abroad and you can’t expect everyone to speak in English. You will probably have some hard time finding the right thing to buy in the supermarket, asking for directions or simply finding your way in the university campus. The only thing you can do is try to learn the local language (at least a bit) so that you are able to have a small talk with locals. 

Don’t worry – if you wish to study Veterinary Medicine in Europe, most universities have included a crash course in the local language during the first semester. This will help you overcome the language barrier and will make you feel better and not alone (when you see the other international students struggling as well). 

I feel lonely, I feel homesick

If you decide to study abroad, you will undoubtedly have some hard time if you are quite close with your family or you are in a relationship. Of course, it is difficult to move abroad where you don’t know anyone and you are even not sure whether you will like the veterinary school or the country. In this regard, we have three tips for you:

Use messenger apps! Technology nowadays is so advanced that you can get in touch with your friends even if they leave 10 000 km away from you.

Go out, don’t spend your time at home! Find a hobby and or simply go out for a walk – if you stay at home, you are more likely to get nostalgic and think about stuff that make you sad.

It is not embarrassing to quit! If you study Veterinary Medicine in Europe and you don’t like it – don’t be afraid to leave the school, change the University or go home. Life is too short – you have to feel happy!

First day at the University: I am completely lost

You don’t know what books you have to buy? You don’t know where to go? You are late for your first lecture? It is no surprise. It is completely natural that you don’t know what must be done and know where each room in the university is. And your teachers won’t expect you to know this either. So don’t stress out – there is no need to panic because you will get used to the university and you can always ask for directions at the information desk of the university. 

Also, the cultural differences might explain some things. Once you study Veterinary Medicine in Europe or you are simply away from home, you will definitely experience them. If you don’t understand each professor, it might simply because they have an accent, have another teaching method that you are used to or they simply have a different mentality. So, give them some time, give yourself some time to get used to the new culture. If you still struggle after a month – talk with your professors and discuss what bothers you. You are both adults!

Veterinary Medicine in Europe – Entry requirements

If you want to move abroad and study Veterinary Medicine, you must know the entry requirements of the veterinary schools in Europe. Usually, it is required that you speak English. In addition, some Veterinary schools in Europe require that you have a Biology grade in your high school diploma and that you sit an admission test in the same subject. If you want to study Veterinary Medicine, you must have basic knowledge in the field of Biology – otherwise you will struggle a lot during the first few months at the University. So if you want to study abroad, Inter HECS – Study in Bulgaria offers preparatory courses in Biology so that you feel well-prepared for the admission in the veterinary school of your interest. 

The best universities for Veterinary Medicine in Europe

People who want to study Veterinary Medicine in Europe have plenty of universities to choose from. We recommend two of them who have the lowest entry requirements and offer Veterinary Medicine in English in exchange to low tuition fees: 

Study Veterinary Medicine in Europe at the University of Forestry, Sofia 

The University of Forestry in Sofia offers Veterinary Medicine in English. The academic year starts in September. Usually, you must submit several application documents, such as a copy of your high school diploma and a copy of your passport. Several certificates must be translated and legalized – Inter HECS – Study in Bulgaria will help you collect and submit your application documents to the University of Forestry. The entry requirements of the University of Forestry include having a Biology grade in your high school diploma as well as sitting an entry test in Biology.

After your admission at the University of Forestry, you study Veterinary Medicine in English for five years and half. This includes a crash course in Bulgarian, several internships and practice at farms in and around Sofia. The low tuition fees of the University of Forestry attract many students – people who study Veterinary Medicine at the University of Forestry must pay only 4500 Euro per academic year. Veterinary Medicine students obtain a Master’s degree diploma that is valid outside of Bulgaria.

Study Veterinary Medicine in Europe at Trakia University

Trakia University is located in Stara Zagora – a city in central Bulgaria. The city is not as big as the capital so the living expenses are even lower. As for tuition fees, they are 5100 Euro per academic year. If you want to study Veterinary Medicine, you will spend five years and a half at Trakia University and obtain a Master’s degree. The diploma is internationally recognized so you will be able to work abroad after you graduate. The entry requirements of Trakia University include sitting an admission test as well as submitting your application and documents to the University. Inter HECS helps you apply at the best veterinary schools in Europe – contact us and we will guide you throughout the whole application procedure!

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