Ms. Maria Gabriel on an official visit in Rabat

Inter HECS > News > Ms. Maria Gabriel on an official visit in Rabat

Ms. Maria Gabriel on an official visit in Rabat

Ms Maria Gabriel on an official visit in Morocco

On January 30, 2025, Mrs. Maria Gabriel, president of the Robert Schuman Institute, visited the Information center of Bulgarian higher education in Rabat, Morocco! A year ago, in her capacity as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, she was also the one to open the Information center – the go-to place for everyone who is looking to apply for admission to a Bulgarian university!

During her visit, the Information center’s manager, Mr. Dimitar Tsikandelov, presented a report to all guests on all activities carried out by the team over the past year, e.g. visits by representatives of leading Bulgarian universities, signed cooperation agreements between Bulgarian higher education institutions and Moroccan universities, including Erasmus+ program opportunities, interviews with prospective students and meetings with other relevant institutions from the region.

Mr. Tsikandelov also shared information about the center’s future plans and projects for 2025. He expressed his gratitude to Ms. Maria Gabriel for her support to all activities organized by the team in Rabat, Morocco!

The team of Inter HECS – Study in Bulgaria looks forward to an exciting 2025! We cannot wait to share with you all events and plans we have for the following months!

Ms Maria Gabriel on an official visit in Morocco

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